Plan and Celebrate Piano Success for Young Kids
beginner piano, beginning piano Kay Lowry beginner piano, beginning piano Kay Lowry

Plan and Celebrate Piano Success for Young Kids

My Piano Planner is your ultimate tool for enhancing beginner piano lessons, designed with both parents and teachers in mind. This thoughtfully crafted planner is a resource-packed companion to help ensure every child’s musical journey is celebrated and supported. With 32 pages - you have plenty of room to help your young student plan and grow!

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Finding the right tool for the job - Preschool Piano

Finding the right tool for the job - Preschool Piano

As parents and teachers, we all want to give kids the best start in life, and research has shown that music plays a vital role in developing young minds. From improving motor skills and social abilities to boosting confidence and creativity, the benefits of music are endless. But how do we introduce music to little ones in a way that’s engaging and effective?

This is where our music exploration book for young kids comes in. Designed especially for preschoolers and special needs students, this book lays a strong foundation for musical studies

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Managing Children’s Feelings at Piano Lessons
beginner piano Kay Lowry beginner piano Kay Lowry

Managing Children’s Feelings at Piano Lessons

I hate to admit this, but I used to make kids cry at piano lesson. Occasionally. Not every lesson, but it did happen. Over the years, I got better at managing my feelings, and theirs.

But the other day, I did it again.

Here's what happened: My student came in and happily played a Christmas song with absolutely NO rhythm. You know the drill. She just played one note after another, and then another, and then turned to me with a smile on her face.

I said something like: "Hey that's great - now let's count the rhythm!" So we counted and clapped. Then I asked her to play and - horror of horrors - COUNT OUT LOUD! She said it was too hard, I said it wasn't. I didn't notice that her lip started trembling.

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A Fun, Interactive Rhythm Game for Piano Lessons

A Fun, Interactive Rhythm Game for Piano Lessons

Yesterday, I worked with one of my beginner students who often struggles to hold her half notes for the full two beats. It's a common challenge with younger students, especially when they haven’t yet felt the rhythm in their bodies. For kids, understanding rhythm is much easier when they can experience it physically. That’s why I came up with a simple game that gets them moving, and it only requires a small amount of space and some washi tape.

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Why Would Anyone Teach Preschool Piano?

Why Would Anyone Teach Preschool Piano?

Why teach preschoolers? Aren't there hands too small? And, they can't read? What can we possibly do in piano lessons that would help?

In this article, I share the story of how I got started with young kids. I share how it transformed the income I was making. I also share how, when we change the goals, the outcomes can be very beneficial to young students.

Our preschool materials can really help! Read on......

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Why Teaching Steady Beat First Might Not Be the Best Approach for Young Pianists

Why Teaching Steady Beat First Might Not Be the Best Approach for Young Pianists

Did you know that steady beat is not the first thing you should teach to a young child? Although it’s the first lesson in many piano books, it’s not the ideal starting point for a child's musical journey. Instead, the first thing a child needs to learn is how to listen to long and short sounds

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How I Started Teaching Piano to Preschool Children

How I Started Teaching Piano to Preschool Children

Finally, a music exploration book for young kids!

Research shows that music is beneficial for the developing brain. Music helps children with: motor development, social skills, speech, language, memory, confidence, and creativity.

Piano teachers can use this book with young students to give them a foundation for musical studies. Using this tool is a wonderful way to give kids a fun and accessible entry into music.

Special needs students can also benefit from this book. Children like the way the concepts are broken down into steps they can achieve

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Spring Fever - what is it and do you have it?

Spring Fever - what is it and do you have it?

After Easter - THEN WHAT?

It's a holiday let-down, that's what! I refuse to stop the fun. But let's get real: in the US - we are heading towards the end of the school term. BURNOUT is all around us. What to do? Going back to my childhood, grown-ups always talked about kids getting "Spring Fever". It's not a real illness. It's a term that describes that feeling of burnout, being antsy, and really wanting a break. I captured this feeling for my students with the MODERN song, "Spring Fever" - which features an ultra-cool backing track. Can you believe my students ask for this song, year after year? Because it's written in two levels, I can accomodate that request a few times. Here's the low-down on Spring Fever:

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