A Fun, Interactive Rhythm Game for Piano Lessons
Yesterday, I worked with one of my beginner students who often struggles to hold her half notes for the full two beats. It's a common challenge with younger students, especially when they haven’t yet felt the rhythm in their bodies. For kids, understanding rhythm is much easier when they can experience it physically. That’s why I came up with a simple game that gets them moving, and it only requires a small amount of space and some washi tape.
Boom Cards Extravaganza!
I am really late to the Boom Card party. It’s not that they didn’t look cool to me. And it’s not that I didn’t see the instructional value.
TBH - Boom Cards felt like “technology overload”. And I am usually cool with technology. But, I have my limit.
However - I’ve been following Kelly Bordeaux, and I really respect her creative take on Boom Cards. She also gives a great deal of help to teachers. Here’s a video