Boom Cards Extravaganza!

I am really late to the Boom Card party. It’s not that they didn’t look cool to me. And it’s not that I didn’t see the instructional value.

TBH - Boom Cards felt like “technology overload”. And I am usually cool with technology. But, I have my limit.

However - I’ve been following Kelly Bordeaux, and I really respect her creative take on Boom Cards. She also gives a great deal of help to teachers. Here’s a video:

I finally took the plunge with one of her freebies. And, since I teach online, I was super excited to learn about “fast pin.” I created a fast pin, copied the link, and put it in my Zoom chat. Wa-la! (well, first the kid had to screen share with me. Once we did that - THEY manipulated the game and really got into it!) Watch this quick video of my online student (who has autism) - and how he quickly ROCKS his lines and spaces!

Besides, some kids already have their own Boom account and do these cards in school ALL the time. Okay - so I want to know two things: 1) Do you use Boom Cards? 2) do you have SOMETHING that feels like technology overload?


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