How a Superhero Helps Piano Students Play With Expression
piano method book Kay Lowry piano method book Kay Lowry

How a Superhero Helps Piano Students Play With Expression

A Musical Adventure That Makes Phrasing Come to Life!

Join Tonal and Sonica, two fearless superheroes, as they patrol the city, searching for ways to transform lifeless melodies into expressive, captivating music! Armed with magical jewels and bracelets, they hurl their powers at the most important notes in each phrase-bringing music to life! But danger lurks in every measure... Villains threaten to flatten their mission, and only by teaming up with the mysterious Krypto-Crescendo can they uncover the most powerful note of all!

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Managing Children’s Feelings at Piano Lessons
beginner piano Kay Lowry beginner piano Kay Lowry

Managing Children’s Feelings at Piano Lessons

I hate to admit this, but I used to make kids cry at piano lesson. Occasionally. Not every lesson, but it did happen. Over the years, I got better at managing my feelings, and theirs.

But the other day, I did it again.

Here's what happened: My student came in and happily played a Christmas song with absolutely NO rhythm. You know the drill. She just played one note after another, and then another, and then turned to me with a smile on her face.

I said something like: "Hey that's great - now let's count the rhythm!" So we counted and clapped. Then I asked her to play and - horror of horrors - COUNT OUT LOUD! She said it was too hard, I said it wasn't. I didn't notice that her lip started trembling.

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