This week, I broke my own rule!
This week - I broke my own rule!
This reel is getting alot of attention! Is it because it hits home for teachers other than me?
What was my rule? Don't get on social media BEFORE I finish getting ready in the morning.
So what happened? I scrolled, and scrolled. And, before you know it - 10 or 15 minutes had passed. When THAT happened, I was late getting my special needs adult son over to his enrichment program. And that made me sad. It actually wasn't the end of the world, but I was disappointed in myself. I know better.
Later that day - I participated in one of Amy Chaplin's "Power Hour" sessions. I find these soooo helpful! Several teachers got on a Zoom call with Amy. We each put in the chat what we were going to work on for the hour. THEN, at the end of the hour, we pop back in and report. Wouldn't you know - several of us said that we were TEMPTED to get on Instagram, Pinterest, and all of the THINGS instead of working. Thankfully, and because of accountability, we persevered! Haha - VICTORY! (at least in this one case.)
If there is anything that music teachers are short on, it's TIME. So- how do we waste time, and WHY? I am going to tackle this head on! I am going to say the truth about wasting time - and I am gonna redouble my efforts to stay on task! (and I am not gonna judge myself or others when we slip - 'cause I know we are not perfect.) Stay tuned for more thoughts on the subject.